Does your knee ache after climbing that flight of stairs to your room?
Or maybe after a longer car drive, you feel that deep discomfort again in the knee joint.
Or you’re nervous about the clicking sounds that’s starting to become bothersome…. worried that it might lead to something more…
Physiotherapists help to successfully manage new and chronic long-term knee pain through education, exercise, pain-relieving modalities and patient cooperation to make life habit changes. Whether you started having knee pain in the last year that’s keeping you from doing as much sport and activity as you used to, or you’ve been battling it on and off for several years, a comprehensive physical assessment to identify dysfunctions of the joint, musculoskeletal system, and/or nerve function is integral to take control of your wellness and move in the right direction for recovery.
I’ve had the pleasure to work with patients with knee pain all across the healthcare spectrum. In each circumstance, physiotherapy intervention has helped patients understand the cause of their pain and how to manage it with exercise. Some patients include:
Avid cyclist’s knee pain management
Previous marathon runner knee pain treatment to prevent surgery
Prehabilitation for senior before their knee replacement surgery
Immediate post-operational rehab in hospital’s inpatient and outpatient unit at Sunnybrook Hospital’s St. John’s Rehab
Remedying a “failed” knee replacement to prevent the need for another surgical intervention for revision
Long-term knee pain is discouraging because it restricts how much you can participate in life. Physiotherapists are excellent problem solvers to identify your “problem”, whether it be muscle imbalance, weakness, compensation patterns, neighbouring joint dysfunction and we will educate you on how to care for your own body, the proper exercises to relieve pain, prevent further damage, and help you seize back control of your life.
If you’re experiencing knee pain, let’s meet earlier in your spectrum of care to address your concerns now and prevent further issues.
Click on the link to schedule your appointment with Jasmine today!