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Graston Technique

Graston Technique (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization)

- Dr. Keith Tse, DC, CSCS


Used more and more now by manual therapists like chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists, we are pleased to be one of the few providers of the Graston Technique® and Rocktape IASTM to the York Region community! This remarkable procedure allows us to detect and treat areas of “scar tissue” or adhesions in muscles, tendons and ligaments that can lead to pain and dysfunction.


It has become a popular soft tissue treatment for pro athletes and sports teams in the NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB all utilize it to help players get better faster.


In the healing process our body attempts to repair muscles, tendons and ligaments with “scar tissue”, much like the scar that forms on the skin when you have scraped or banged your knee. As you can imagine, that scar tissue is not as strong and flexible as normal, healthy, undamaged tissue.


Over time we can have a build up of this fibrous scar tissue, particularly in the muscles, tendons and ligaments that get a lot of use. This can lead to pain and dysfunction because this replacement tissue lacks the strength and flexibility of healthy tissue (in some areas it may even mat down and entrap a nerve).


The Graston Technique® allows us to better detect and treat these areas because it uses a stainless steel instrument that glides along a patient’s muscle, tendons or ligaments and acts like a “scar tissue” stethoscope. When knots or bands of scar tissue are encountered, both the doctor and the patient sense a restriction or a granular feeling.


The instrument is then used to “break up” this restriction or adhesion. Stretching and strengthening exercises are also used to promote re-alignment of the fibers so that they behave more like normal, healthy tissue.  In addition, the Rocktape IASTM method focuses on using the tool to provide neurosensory input to affected, dysfunctional tissues.


Conditions Treated with Graston Technique® / Rocktape IASTM

  • Neck and Low Back sprains / strains

  • Ligament sprains / Muscle-tendon strains / Tears

  • Rotator cuff tendinopathy

  • Lateral/medial epicondylosis

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis / Achilles tendinitis

  • Shin splints

  • Patellofemoral disorders

  • Scars


Dr. Keith has been a certified Level 2 Graston provider for over 10 years in the Oak Ridges, Richmond Hill and Aurora communities.  He also attained Rocktape IASTM Practitioner certification in 2019.


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